Hi Friends,
I just recently began recording some new (simple) Worship Music videos that I would like to share with everyone. This is a brand new direction for me, mainly because I have not had many oppourtunities or the environment, to produce any of my songs in a video format in the last few years. My vision for these worship videos is to create a new outlet to encourage personal worship for each of you, but also to take advantage of the open door that is available on YouTube, Video and other Internet outlets. I am praying that these worship videos, will reach into the hearts of many people who would not normally attend a church or come to a Christian concert. Who would have thought that just ten years ago, we would have the opportunity to share the Gospel to anyone, anywhere, throughout this world, totally Free of Charge!
In the coming weeks, I am planning to record more of my original worship songs and hopefully, add some extra musicians and increase the quality of each video production recording of my songs in an outdoor setting . If these songs really minister to you, please feel free to share the links with your friends, or post them on Facebook, and Twitter. I would also love to hear your comments and feed back if any of these songs brought comfort or encouragement to you. I pray you will be refreshed by each song and that you will be renewed to the wonders of Jesus and the beauty of His presence.
He is Good!
Don Gatlyn